How to Combine PDF Files

If you are trying to save money, then you should know how to merge PDF files in a professional manner. With so many different PDF programs out there, how do you know which one is the best for you? When looking at how to merge PDF files, it is important to consider your preferences first. Some of these programs might not be compatible with your system, which is why you need to know how to merge PDF files before you begin saving any. Here is how to do it in three easy steps.

how to merge pdf files

How to Merge PDF File – Using Adobe Acrobat First, open your latest document in Adobe Acrobat. Go to the toolbars on the left-hand navigation panel. Select “Open With.” Click OK.

How to Combine PDF File – Using a Third-Party App You may also choose to use a third-party program when learning how to merge PDF files into another document. If you are using a free version of Acrobat, then you are most likely using the version that is included with the operating system. When using this program, you will need to download and install the latest version. Open the downloaded program, and follow the on-screen prompts to combine your files into your PDF file.

How to Combine PDF File – Using the Format toolbar On the top menu of the Acrobat application, go to the format menu. Select “MDrive,” and then click “Open.” This will open your newly created PDF in the main menu with all of the features and options that are available in the PDF. Now you can begin to merge your documents.

How to Merge PDF File – Using the Advanced Menu If you would rather not use the standard Windows features, or if you prefer some additional customization when combining documents into PDFs, then you may need to use the advanced menu. In the left pane of your screen, click “New” and select “PDF” from the list of items. If you have already created a PDF, you will see an option called “Merge files,” which is an icon to the right of “Content.” Click this button, which will take you to the “Merge” dialog box.

Important: If you are trying to open PDF documents, such as the ones you may receive as a PDF download, using a free app for doing so could lead to unexpected results or even damage to your computer. Although many free apps claim that they can open and view PDF documents, there is often a catch. Always make sure to run a free app by the author of the pdf documents before attempting to open them.