How to Choose Wedding Invitations

choosing wedding invitations

Choosing your wedding invitations is one of those first important decisions you’ll ever make as a new married couple. And while you might already have your perfect wedding vision in mind, your invites still represent the very first official glimpse of everything in store for you and all your guests to come to witness. In fact, even the most professional wedding planners and designers will acknowledge that without a good quality invite, the whole experience will almost be like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces.

So when it comes to choosing wedding invitations, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. And not surprisingly, once you know these things, the possibilities become almost endless in terms of styles, designs, colors and prices. But that’s not all – because no two wedding invitations are really the same, they’re also as unique as the wedding itself.

The first thing to do when choosing wedding invitations is to decide on a wedding theme. You can choose to be formal (something traditional), adventurous (wedding on the beach or in a tropical themed setting), or exotic (you could be planning your nuptials in Paris or Hawaii). Whatever kind of wedding theme you decide upon, you’ll be able to find wedding invitations that fit perfectly with it. However, make sure you don’t choose something too eccentric or unusual, because then you risk people taking your invitation as some sort of strange public display of your wild lifestyle.

Once you’ve decided on the theme you’d like for your special day, the next step of choosing wedding invitations should really be about finding a design that fits in with your idea of what you’d like. This means starting with what you already love and then finding something that goes perfectly with it. For instance, if you love flowers, start looking for invitations with fresh flowers or vines on them, but don’t go overboard with color or design. If you’re into space and the future, start looking for designs that feature spaceships, planets, or other space-related objects. These will either go excellently with a more scientific theme, or if you’re having a theme that’s a little out-of-the-world and fantasy based, they’ll work wonderfully.

Another important thing to remember when choosing wedding invitations is the actual style of the card itself. If you want it to look formal, then you need to have something elegant engraved onto it, or get a letterpress print. If you want a more casual approach, then feel free to use just any paper for the invitation (card stock would probably do the trick) and slap some photos or simple text onto it. Either way, though, keep the font size appropriate for the type of wedding you’re having and the tone you’re going for.

Once you’ve gotten all of your invites together, it’s time to sit down and begin thinking about how to actually make your own unique wedding invitations. It might seem like a lot to take in at first, but once you get started, the process becomes fairly simple. It all starts with an idea, whether it be a beautiful poem a special quote, or maybe even a funny line from one of your favorite songs, and then making it into reality through cards or stamps, and then finally printing them all up at home (or at least the nearest office that is!). The end result will be well worth the effort you put into choosing wedding invitations!